Where God Guides, He Provides - Isaiah 58:11

If you would like to see photos from Blessed Camp 2024 Click Here!

Simply Loved continues to support our partners in Ukraine.  We need your help now more than ever!  Food prices have risen and Grace Orphanage continues to rely on us for assistance during this difficult time in providing food for the children.  This orphanage is a private Christian Orphanage and therefore does not get government support like other institutions do.  We need you as a partner!  If you want to assist, click the Donate Now button above and sign up as a monthly sponsor and we will send you information about a child you are helping directly sponsor for you to pray over.  100% of your donated funds go to the mission.  We have no paid staff members and our family donates our time and resources to the effort.  Thank you for considering us as a partner!

Welcome to Simply Loved Orphan Care!  We are dedicated to assisting orphans in Eastern Europe and do so with a focus on spreading the love of Jesus.  We are honored to be just a small part of what God does all around the world to care for orphans.  The Bible reminds us many times how much Jesus cares for the most vulnerable among us.  We give all the glory to God for everything He has done through our organization to assist.  When we started this journey we could not have envisioned the country we love and pour our hearts into would be going through such a terrible tragedy.  We stand by our partners we have made in Ukraine though and we have assisted them the best way we can with God's help!

Our team continues to focus on serving orphans in Ukraine.  We partner with Grace Orphanage to assist in providing food for their children, small birthday gifts to ensure they know they are loved and not forgotten, and clothing as we see the need.  We also support two foster families who are providing full time care for children in a family environment and assisting their community with outreach programs such as school study assistance and hot meals and groceries.  Please continue to follow our journey as we assist orphans in Ukraine during this difficult time in their country's history.  Thank you for your prayers and your generous hearts!

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. - James 1:27

We hope that hosting becomes an opportunity again soon but until then, follow this link to stay up to date and for more information.    Click here!